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“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7

MMM has been honored to collaborate with several ministries, churches, and organizations in spreading the gospel. Please check out all the wonderful organizations listed here and bless them as they bless you!


Mighty Mountain Ministries is excited to partner with A Place in Time Christian Ministries. APIT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to serving South Florida in Broward County since 2006. Their programs are rooted in Christian principles and are specifically designed to support the most vulnerable individuals in our community, including low-income families, people with disabilities, and senior citizens. They are also deeply committed to nurturing the spiritual well-being of our community, guiding individuals with Bibles and devotionals towards a deeper connection with God and reminding them of His boundless love through Jesus Christ. Their mission is to bring HOPE by helping other people excel in purposeful living. They have a vision to fight food insecurity by serving and caring for local families in need with respect, kindness, love, and compassion. We are proud to work in tandem with this wonderful ministry that emulates the heart of Jesus when he said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40

We urge you to consider donations of food, clothing, and financial support and see how you can be a part of a spirit fueled vision to help those that are facing trying times. Visit A Place In Time Christian Ministries online and be a blessing to this wonderful benevolent organization.


Mailing address: 5846 S. Flamingo Rd. #3070, Cooper City, FL 33330

Physical address: 8530 Stirling Rd., Davie, FL 33024

Phone: 954-435-7474




“I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” Acts 26:19

Marry the Vision is a ministry radically committed to building the church of Jesus Christ and its ministry leaders in this hour. Why are we passionate about this?
• The church is Christ’s body in this world (Col.1:24).
• Jesus is still building His church right now (Matt.16:18).
• Jesus has positioned His church for such a time as this to advance the ministry & message of reconciliation with God through Christ (2 Cor. 5:18-20).
• For the church to accomplish this mission, Jesus appointed ministry leaders, like Pastors, with a calling and an assignment to mature, edify and equip the body to do the work of this vital ministry of reconciliation (Eph.4:11-13).

Leaders are Looking for encouragement & support today.
• 90% of pastors feel inadequately trained to cope with the ministry demands they encounter today.
• 53% of pastors express that Bible College didn’t prepare them for pastoring a church.
• A central reason leaders get discouraged is the teams they lead are not engaged with the vision as the leader.

Marry the Vision exists to:
• Strengthen & Equip ministry leaders and their teams with practical training and coaching to be fruitful in fulfilling the Divine assignment Jesus has entrusted to them. “fully carry out the ministry God has given you.” 2 Tim.4:5 NLT
• Empower & encourage ministry leaders with relational support on their leadership journey. 1 Sam.23:16

The need for strong, passionate leaders whose heart is beating with the heart of the master is great, and our ministry is timely. We covet your prayers & your support in serving the Church and its leaders in this hour.
Visit for more information, follow us on Facebook. For inspiring videos visit


Christian Booklet


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We are proud to collaborate with Lampeter United Methodist Church located in the middle of Lancaster County, PA.  The Rev. Dr. John Smith is the lead pastor and Genevieve Karki is the Worship Leader.  Lampeter United Methodist Church exists to impact our world by WINNING people to JESUS CHRIST, NUTURING them and EQUIPPING them, and then SENDING them to SERVE as his WITNESSES in the WORLD.

At Lampeter UMC you will find a loving group of people who are excited about their mission to spread the Word of God and are always finding ways to reach their community for Christ.  Every Sunday is centered around worshipping the Lord at two different worship services with a Junior Worship for young children.  Sunday School is held between the worship services.  The youth meet with their Children and Youth Director Jeff Engroff.  Many of their members are faithful readers of  MMM’s “The Word for You Today” and distribute to their home bound members and to hundreds of people in the local community.


The first Wednesday evening of every month LUMC hosts a free Community Meal.  Afterwards a Kid’s Club made up of kindergarten to 5th grade children meet to sing, have a Bible lesson, and do a craft. The church also has a Kid’s Choir that meets on Wednesday evening.


The Lampeter United Methodist Church has a food bank called “The Blessings Pantry” to provide food items for those in need in their community. They are undertaking a new dynamic to work with Church World Service to host a refugee family in Lancaster County, PA. Many church members will be helping the refugee family adjust to America and become active members of the local community.


MMM is excited about the work God is doing at Lampeter United Methodist Church and are honored to collaborate with a church sustaining a great impact on their community.


Please visit for more information about Lampeter United Methodist Church or follow them on Facebook.

crossway church

MMM is delighted to partner with Crossway Church. Crossway Church is a vibrant faith community located in the heart of South Florida. Dr. Jon Elswick, alongside his wife and core team, started Crossway Church in 2010. The goal has always been to create a church that proclaims the message and love of Jesus to South Florida for years to come. At Crossway Church, they believe JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING and they seek to be a people who LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS, and IMPACT OUR WORLD.

When you visit Crossway, you will find a friendly community of people who are living on mission. They partner with organizations in our community who help support single moms, foster children, and families in crisis.


They make church on Sunday the best hour of your kid’s week. Crossway KIDS serves children from birth to fifth grade. Their qualified and trained kid’s team go above and beyond to answer any questions you have and to make sure you and your children feel welcome and safe.


Crossway YOUTH reaches our middle and high school students weekly and helps them learn to live their faith in real ways.


MMM is excited about the work God is doing at Crossway Church and we are honored to collaborate with a church making an impact in our community.


Please visit for more information about Crossway Church,  or follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube @crosswaychurchFL.




The Song of Kellen Foundation was created to honor the life of Kellen Francis O'Neil (1996 - 2018) and to share his love of music by giving musical instruments to deserving young students.


After Kellen’s tragic death at the age of 22, his parents were approached by two of Kellen’s dear friends and coworkers. They expressed a desire to create a charity golf tournament in Kellen’s name to memorialize this exceptional young man. Realizing how much work organizing such an event would entail, his father asked these men why they were compelled to take this on. Their answer was “LOVE.” They explained that Kellen was deeply loved by so many friends, coworkers, and customers at his job, and that the Kellen O’Neil Memorial Golf Tournament would allow them to express their love while celebrating Kellen’s great appreciation of both golf and music. Song of Kellen Foundation, Inc. was created to raise money through donations, sponsorships, and participation in the Kellen O’Neil Memorial Golf Tournament which took place on October 7, 2019.

Following the very successful golf tournament fund raiser, young music students are identified by the foundation’s board members and awarded musical instruments that they might otherwise never own – empowering them to touch the hearts of many people through their music, just as Kellen touched all of us with his wonderful musical gifts and with his love. Although there are no plans to organize future golf tournaments at this time, Kellen's parents continue to fund the Foundation personally and welcome donations at any time.


To donate by check, include your return address and your receipt will be mailed. Please make your check payable to “Song of Kellen Foundation, Inc.” and mail to: Song of Kellen Foundation, Inc.4101 NE 26th Avenue Lighthouse Point, FL 33064. You can contact Song of Kellen at



City Rev Church has always been about one thing: revealing who Jesus is. It’s not about building up their church or creating a subculture in South Florida. At City Rev Church, they believe that as they reveal Jesus, He revolutionizes the city. They are called to go into their great city, community, and mission field, to share who Jesus is. Their prayer is that God would use them and as He works through them alongside the South Florida Church Community, the city will be revolutionized by the Gospel and become the best place to live, work, and play. They believe that the radical love of Jesus will impact every area of life and transform South Florida with the Gospel in our generation.

Join them in person at one of their locations and experience great music and helpful messages for you and your family. Their West Pines Campus is located at 21113 Johnson Street, Suite 120, Pembroke Pines, FL, 33029, with services on Sunday at 10 AM and 11:45 AM, or you can join them at their Cooper City Campus at Cooper City High School at 9401 Stirling Road, Cooper City, FL 33328, on Sunday at 11 AM. During their Sunday services, you can use your desktop, tablet, or mobile device to engage with the live broadcast at City Rev Church is a place for your entire family.

● City Rev Kids - During their weekend gatherings, they provide a fun and safe Kids Ministry for children from 12 weeks old to fifth grade. Through music, crafts, storytelling, and much more, your kids will have a memorable time as they build relationships with other kids and grow in their understanding of who God is.

● City Rev Students - The aim is to help students grow deeper in their relationship with God, discover their true significance in Christ and find authentic community. Students meet at "The Fuge" at the West Pines Campus. Middle school: Wednesdays 6:30 PM to 8 PM. High school: Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 9 PM. "Waffle Wednesday" - Free Waffles and a place to meet new friends on Wednesday from 3 PM - 5 PM.

● City Rev Young Adults - City Rev Young Adults is a young adult ministry that seeks to create space to connect the unconnected to Christ and each other through Biblical teaching and authentic community for young adults between the ages of 18-27.
Service Times: Mondays at 7 PM at the West Pines Campus.

Check out the City Rev Life podcast wherever you stream podcasts or check them out on YouTube. City Rev Life podcasts feature conversations about living like Christ in modern culture. Visit to learn more about City Rev Church, download the City Rev APP on iTunes or Google Play, and follow them on Facebook or Instagram.

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Since 1997, 4KIDS has impacted the live of 30,000 children in our community. 4KIDS exists to bring hope, homes and healing to kids and families in crisis across Broward, Palm Beach, Treasure Coast & Southwest Florida. In partnership with local churches, businesses, and government agencies, 4KIDS is committed to finding a home for every child, and redefining foster care in our community through its programs:

PREVENTION: Strengthening families and providing hope to children in the community by meeting tangible needs through CarePortal online platform.

FOSTER CARE: Recruiting, training, licensing Christian families and wrap-around services for individuals who desire to open their home to a child or teen in the foster care system.

SPECIALIZED HOMES: Residential foster homes with house parents geared towards vulnerable teens and keeping large sibling groups in foster care together.

PREGNANCY & PARENTING: "His Caring Place" is a home designed to help women between the ages of 18-25 facing an unplanned pregnancy and/or parenting young children to grow and thrive.

INDEPENDENT LIVING: Homes with live-in residential advisors for young adults who have aged out of foster care or are experiencing homelessness, with a focus on academic, vocational, and spiritual development.

EPIC THERAPEUTIC APPROACH: Clinical services for kids and families needing extra support, therapy, and healing, as well as trauma-informed training for parents and caregivers.


Since 1968, Sheridan House has been committed to offering community services, which give children and families the opportunity to reach their full, God-given potential and opportunities that might otherwise not be available due to impeding circumstances in the home.  The mission of Sheridan House Family Ministries, Inc. is to honor Christ, by serving the needs of children and families.

Here are just a few of programs offered by this great ministry:


Counseling Center – The Sheridan House Counseling Center offers real answers for real issues. Nine licensed mental health counselors are on staff to serve.  Call 954-880-9595 to schedule an appointment.  

Single Parent Ministry – It is a hand-up not a handout… to receive ongoing assistance single mothers attend classes designed to equip them for life.  Single moms and children receive training and assistance (food, clothing, school supplies, financial assistance, furniture, and other material items). Transitional housing is offered to those who qualify.

Call 954-583-1552 for assistance. 

Residential Program for Middle School-aged Children – For over 50 years, Sheridan House Family Ministries has provided a five-day residential treatment program for children. To request a tour or schedule an admissions interview, please call



Visit to find out more about Sheridan House, get involved with their programs, and to contribute to this outstanding Christian oasis for families and children.

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ISR has been working in prisons throughout the world on four continents and performed for over one million inmates witnessing hundreds of thousands surrendering their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and healing. Additionally, ISR has been ministering to the persecuted church in Cuba since 1999. ISR ministry also conducts “short term” mission trips for those interested in learning about prison ministry and helping the persecuted church.


ISR developed a new CHURCH BEHIND BARS MOVEMENT in 2017 after 45 years of searching for a better solution to prison ministry that will benefit the incarcerated, the church, incarcerated families, prison staff and society.


Rev. Tony Loeffler, ISR’s founding president, has released 25 albums of music and 25 inspirational HOPE SERIES programs under the names, Tony Loeffler and the Blue Angels, Tony Loeffler and Fusion Blues and solo under Tony Loeffler.  There are many videos on YOUTUBE (Search word is Tony Loeffler). 




Mighty Mountain Ministries is honored to now be partnering with Biblica. Biblica’s mission is to provide the Bible in accurate, contemporary translations and formats so that more people around the world will have the opportunity to be transformed by Jesus Christ. For more than 200 years, Biblica has helped people beyond the reach of God’s Word discover the love of Jesus Christ through contemporary Bible translation. As they push into the third century, they continue to produce relevant and reliable Scripture translations and resources that minister to people on the margins of the Gospel—the unreached, unengaged, unseen, and unwanted.

Biblica is actively involved in supporting the people of Ukraine. We believe one of the best things we can do to help the Ukrainian church during this devastating time is providing access to God’s Word in the most relevant translation available. The demand expressed by Biblica’s ministry partners for Bibles confirms the people are also seeking out God during this time and looking for hope. Collaborating with Eastern European Mission (EEM) and other strategic partners in this region, God's Word is being mobilized quickly on many different fronts. As you pray for the people of Ukraine, consider these critical Bible resource opportunities.

So far, Biblica’s New Testament app has had more than 570,000 downloads and more than eight million engagements, almost all in Ukraine. More than 200,000 printed New Testaments have been distributed and another 500,000 have been requested by our partners and local churches. The opportunity is great, and your help will be deeply appreciated.

You can give via the website or send your gift, appropriately noted for Ukraine, to:


300 General Palmer Dr #4

Palmer Lake, CO 80133

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Haiti Hope Alliance is dedicated to long-term presence and commitment to the people of Haiti. Their mission is committed to the spreading of the Gospel and meeting the needs of the Haitian people through economic development and empowerment. HHA recognizes that a successful mission must involve building and developing reciprocal relationships with the Haitian community through bonds of mutual trust and accountability.

To accomplish this, HHA is committed to developing sensitivity and training curriculum for all participants and mission team members prior to their arrival in Haiti. Ultimately, it is HHA's goal that mission team projects must be driven and led by the local Haitian community. HHA will invest in Haitian communities as they invest to transform their own communities. The ultimate goal is for HHA's endeavors to completely equip the Haitian people to become 100% self-sufficient and to take responsibility for their churches and communities. Haiti Hope Alliance is a non-denominational, Christian non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of an alliance of churches and faith-based organizations in partnership with secular entities dedicating to bringing hope to Haiti through the love of the Gospel.

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere where 80% of the population live under the poverty line. Ravaged by natural disasters, Haiti suffered a devastating blow in January 2010 when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed much of the capital city and caused $7.8 billion in damage. 
In October 2016, Category 4 Hurricane Matthew struck, killing over 1,000 people. Countries with a strong infrastructure can bounce back from disasters of this nature; Haiti continues to reel from the effects.

To learn more about HHA and support this wonderful organization go online to 


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