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Mountain Cabin

"The mountains will bring peace to the people." Psalms 72:3

abouT us

Mighty Mountain Ministries - MMM - is a South Florida non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry whose vision statement is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by means of both word and music. MMM began in 2008. At that time, we handed out 25 devotionals to our friends and family. 


Fast forward to today and we are currently distributing almost 45,000 devotionals in 39 states, 32 prisons and 5 foreign countries. Our album is producing revenue to produce and send out more devotionals. We are in awe of the exponential growth that God has fostered, and so thankful for how His Word has changed and enriched lives. 

Read our devotionals. Listen to our music. Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey to spread God's word. 


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